Wednesday, June 29, 2016

About my current health status

Hey Glitches.

I really feel like I should tell you something important. My lack of sleep, the coffee intake alongside with energy drinks, stress between the stream and my two jobs, bad food and no exercise has come to a point where it hurt me, and this time it has affected my heart. I'm not deathly ill, but it will affect me.

I am nauseous a lot, I am SO tired, I have uncomfortable feelings mixed with a slight pain in my chest and I feel dizzy sometimes. This health issue is called 
atrial fibrillation and is pretty common, even though not all people feel it. Drinking alcohol is making this even worse, why the drunk-stream never happened. I planned the drunk stream before these symptoms arrived and I thought I could make it. On the day of the drunk stream - I freaked, because it was worse than usual and I was also having a crazy anxiety which just increased as I felt stronger symptoms. This is why I'm saying this now; I will not have any more drunk streams, I will not sit there, and drink excessively just because people are entertained about it. I'm done with that. Drinking alcohol while streaming - sure! But I WILL not sit and drink, drink, drink... and end up on a viral YouTube video somewhere. I feel like our channel deserve a little bit higher standard. Just a little.

So, I will be tired a lot from now on since one coffee every one or two days, minimum sugar and bad foods, more sleep to gain what I lost and so my heart and mind can rest and regain strength. Just wait for me to get better, it may take 1 week, it may take 4, it may take half a year. But I won't stop streaming, I'm just going to take it really easy. 

Lube ya, #glitchfam

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

American servers & Overwatch

There is a bunch of viewers and people out there that's wondering "Why the hell are you playing on the American servers?" There are many answers to this question but the most important answer is;
There is no time and energy to switch between them. Most of the people who wants to play with me are on the American server anyway. No matter how I do there is always some person who prefers american or european(or any other region) and every time I switch I have to LOG OUT of and add new people on to be able to play with them, and some people have a hard time figuring out how to switch servers. It's too time-taking and it's not professional for me as a streamer to take 5 minutes or more just to add new people and switch servers. So here's a little tutorial on how to actually change server to play with me on the American servers!

And the answer is NO; You wont get serious lag from playing on another region of servers. Blizzard really got that covered for us. As long as you live in a populated part of the world with a somewhat good internet - you wont get ping lag. I promise :)

First off, LOG OUT of completely.

Right above your login info is a little fold-down tab. Click it and you'll see the servers you can connect to.
Click 'Americas' and then login with your info. All your skins and levels will still be there when you switch servers. I am not sure about PotG though.

Once you're in again you will have to add new people to your friend list(this is how Blizzard designed their servers) so go ahead and add me or someone else you want to play with.
Before you start the game up with the "PLAY"-button, go ahead and make sure that it's set to Americas in the fold down-menu here too. Click PLAY and start your watch :)

(For some reason this blog post looks like shit, blogger is really incompatible with image-handling, sigh)

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Big inspirations on Twitch

I've been doing Twitch for like 1,5 year now... and there are some streams that really have affected the way my stream is and the way I am. And I thought this blog needed some positive spirit, so here we go!
This is a person who is SO fun to watch and make me giggle and cry of laughter every time I watch him.
Entertainment and interactive - those are the keyword for this stream. Ello also has a lot of fun giveaways to enter and he is also a very compassionate human being with a big heart - and he's also a very good player. He totally love what he is doing! Mostly playing a lot of single player games but also some MMORPGs, shooters and other fun multiplayer stuff. 
A very neat girl from Gothenburg which also recently started a YouTube career as well. Emma has a sick business sense and knows her stuff about CS:GO which is her main game of her channel. She also plays some MMORPGs, Overwatch and doing a buttload of awesome creative streams where she draws doodles of her Subscribers.
 Elsbeth... I don't even know where to start. This girl has so much energy, an amazing charisma and is super fun to watch. She's the voice actor of a character in League of Legends and she's doing voice acting for a living - and she rocks doing it. Mostly playing some LoL, playing new single player games, Nintendo-games on her WiiU and a lot of other fun stuff.
 Another swede from Dalarna who has an amazing community with a lot of relaxing viewers and laidback friends. I love his chat and his stream. Mostly, he's playing singleplayer games and also some RPGs like RUST, Ark and I think I've also catched him playing DayZ? I'm not sure about that last one, since I kinda recently saw his stream randomly browsing Dark Souls on Twitch.

Check these awesome people out and remember to give them a follow.

Lube ya'll!


Yeah. I got boobs. I also have a va-jay-jay. It doesn't make me more entertaining, a better player or even more interesting. At least, it should not. I have to deal with people joining chats with "IM A GRILL GAMER TOO." - Good for f*cking you!

Im neutral to the matter. Very neutral. I don't even got boobs worth showing off.
And, IF, I every now and then wear shirts that have a "generous view" that's because I love those shirts and think they are very nice to wear, since I'm a huge fan of clothing and makeup and those are my biggest interests... What I wear, what I have, is not interesting. Who I am and what I do - is.

And for those ones who just kid around - this blog post isn't for you.
I LOVE the "grill gamer"-thing as a joke. It's hillarious! But when it comes to objectifying a person for
what they have 'down below' should never affect whatever you wanna watch on Twitch. Just sayin'.